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Inicial Trabalhista. Integração do Adicional de Dedicação Integral na Gratificação Semestral e nas Horas Extras.

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Inicial Trabalhista. Integração do Adicional de Dedicação Integral na Gratificação Semestral e nas Horas Extras.

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Inicial Trabalhista. Integração do Adicional de Dedicação Integral na Gratificação Semestral e nas Horas Extras.

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Produto: Inicial Trabalhista. Integração do Adicional de Dedicação Integral na Gratificação Semestral e nas Horas Extras.

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Custom Tab Content 2

Custom Variants and Options let you create product customization options and fields quickly and easily. Any product can have custom variants and options � this can be configured in its product configuration. Custom variants and options can be created for products as required or non-required options. They can affect the total price of the product by a fixed amount or percentage.
In other words, custom variants and options allow you to make products that are unique and individualized. Whether it�s a gift with a special message, a sweatshirt with custom embroidered text, or anything in between � possibilities are limitless.

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